NEW Driveto5!! Find the FREE and legal parking within a 5 minute walk of school. Check out the Drive to 5 map HERE.
On behalf of our School Safe Travel Committee, we are encouraging our students to walk, bike or roll to school safely throughout the year.  There are several safety promotion initiatives our school community will be engaged in this year including:


We are asking our parents and guardians to help improve student safety by following these guidelines before and after school. 
For student safety, do not use the parking lot (Bernay Dr.) at arrival and dismissal times for student drop off and pick up (15 minutes before and after the arrival or dismissal bells).
Use the designated “Kiss and Drop” area in front or at the side of the school (Bernay Dr. or St. Moritz Ave) to drop off your child.  When using the “Kiss and Drop” area, do not leave your car. 
Please ensure you are adhering to the provincial and municipal road regulations. Doing so will ensure the safety of all our students.
Do not enter the bus loading zones located at the front of the school. (Bernay Dr.)
Parking in the designated Accessible Parking areas requires an Accessible Parking Permit.
Do not enter the YMCA parking lot unless picking up or dropping off a child that attends the YMCA. (St. Moritz Ave)